Neuroleadership Training Programme
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Learning Objective
- Formative Learning: Enhancing Leadership Skills
- Applicative Learning: Mastering Critical Thinking and Smart Decision Making
- Collaborative Learning: Developing Team Synchronisation
- Reflective Learning: Remapping Strengths and Opportunities
Delivered as an
integrated combination
- Interactive discourse
- Active discussions
- Reflective practices
- Critical case studies
- Teambuilding experience

Learning Outcomes

Improved rational thinking

Smarter decision-making

Enhanced communication skills

Sharpen the cognitive edge

Dr Edmi is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Advancement (ILIA). Drawing upon his extensive academic background as a medical doctor coupled with a doctoral degree in neurosurgery, Dr. Edmi has fervently devoted himself to the application of neuroscience principles in societal domains, particularly within the realm of leadership over the past nine years. Recognised as a distinguished authority in neuroleadership, his exceptional pedagogical approach and profound expertise promise to enrich the participants’ leadership acumen, positioning them as indispensable leaders in their respective spheres.
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Neuroleadership Workshop Podcast
* Customised Programme Available